When Is the Best Time to Take Ashwagandha?


Ashwagandha, scientifically known as Withania somnifera, is a revered herb in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, originating from India. This powerful adaptogenic herb has been used for centuries for its myriad of health benefits, including stress and anxiety management, cognitive support, and mood enhancement. 

Recognized for its ability to protect the body from the detrimental effects of chronic stress, ashwagandha assists in reducing cortisol levels, alleviating anxiety, and promoting relaxation and mental clarity. 

In this article, we will delve deeper into the multifaceted benefits of this versatile herb and explore the optimal time of day to take ashwagandha. We will specifically focus on its role in anxiety and stress management, providing insights and recommendations on what is the best time of day to take ashwagandha for anxiety and stress management.

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen – a unique class of healing plants that help in balancing, protecting, and restoring the body. It is crucial in managing the body’s physiological processes and mitigating the harmful effects of stress, enabling the body to maintain internal balance and stability. It reduces stress, supports thyroid, promotes the health of adrenal glands, and fosters overall hormonal  balance. Below are some of the well-acknowledged health advantages of incorporating Ashwagandha into your health regimen.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Ashwagandha is renowned for its stress-reducing effects. It helps regulate cortisol levels, the body's main stress hormone. Ashwagandha has been shown to reduce symptoms in people with stress and anxiety disorders, acting as a natural remedy for anxiety.

Enhances Cognitive Function

This herb has been linked to improvements in the brain function, including memory, focus, and reaction time. It promotes antioxidant activity that protects nerve cells from harmful free radicals, aiding in various neurodegenerative diseases.

Promotes Healthy Sleep

Ashwagandha can improve the quality of sleep and may help with the treatment of insomnia. It enhances the state of relaxation by influencing the central nervous system and increasing GABA levels.

Balances Blood Sugar Levels

Ashwagandha has been observed to reduce blood sugar levels, proving beneficial for individuals with diabetes. It increases insulin secretion and improves insulin sensitivity in muscle cells.

When Is a Good Time to Take Ashwagandha?

When to Take Ashwagandha Gummies, Tinctures and Other Supplements: The importance of Timing

The effectiveness of ashwagandha, whether in the form of gummies, tinctures, or other dietary supplements, can be significantly influenced by the timing of intake. The timing of intake plays a pivotal role in optimizing specific benefits based on individual needs and goals. For instance, adhering to a specific schedule helps maximize ashwagandha’s stress-reducing properties during peak stress times or optimize its cognitive-enhancing effects when mental alertness is needed the most. Taking ashwagandha at the right time can also help in preventing potential side effects!

When to Take Ashwagandha: Day or Night?

When do you take ashwagandha? Which time do you prefer – day or night? Did you ever think that the choice of time depends on what results you will eventually get? 

The human body operates on intrinsic biological clocks, known as circadian rhythms, that manage a plethora of physiological processes, from metabolism to hormone secretion. By aligning the intake of ashwagandha with these natural rhythms, one can potentially augment the absorption and utilization of its active constituents, thereby enhancing its overall efficacy.

Taking ashwagandha during the day might be beneficial for those seeking to harness its ability to boost energy levels, mental clarity, and focus. It might be more conducive to managing daytime stresses and enhancing cognitive performance during active hours, promoting alertness and combating fatigue.

Conversely, consuming ashwagandha plant at night may align more aptly with its calming properties. It could help in unwinding, facilitating better sleep quality, and allowing the body to rejuvenate and repair overnight, owing to its adaptogenic and anti-inflammatory properties. 

When Is the Best Time to Take Ashwagandha for Sleep Support and Stress Relief?

For managing stress and anxiety, taking ashwagandha extract in the evening or before bedtime may be particularly beneficial. This timing allows individuals to leverage the herb’s calming properties, facilitating relaxation and improving sleep quality, a crucial component for stress management. Improved sleep can also contribute to better mood regulation and reduced anxiety levels.

How Often to Take Ashwagandha?

While ashwagandha's advantages are diverse, it is essential to understand the optimal frequency to maximize these benefits without compromising safety and efficacy.

Generally, ashwagandha is taken once or twice a day, often divided into morning and evening doses. This frequency is seen as effective in maintaining steady levels of the herb in the body, thereby providing consistent benefits throughout the day.

However, the optimal frequency largely depends on individual health goals, body’s response, and specific needs. So a balanced approach may involve different times and schedules. 

Safety Recommendations

Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogenic herb with numerous health benefits, but like all supplements, it is crucial to use it safely to avoid any adverse effects.

  • Before starting ashwagandha, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or are taking medication, consult your healthcare provider or a qualified herbalist to avoid any potential interactions or side effects.
  • Follow the recommended dosage on the product label or as advised by a healthcare professional. Overconsumption may lead to potential side effects like upset stomach, diarrhea, or vomiting.
  • Ashwagandha is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  • Individuals with specific health conditions like autoimmune disorders or thyroid disorders should use ashwagandha with caution, as it can interact with the immune system, thyroid hormones, and blood sugar levels.
  • Be aware of interactions with other herbs, supplements, or medications you are taking, as ashwagandha may enhance or diminish their effects.

Final Thoughts

Determining the optimal time to take ashwagandha is important for those seeking to harness the full spectrum of its healing benefits, ranging from stress and anxiety relief to cognitive enhancement and sleep support. While general recommendations often suggest morning or evening intake, individual needs, goals, and body responses play a critical role in fine-tuning the timing to maximize its adaptogenic effects. 

Evening or bedtime intake may be particularly beneficial for individuals focusing on sleep enhancement and stress relief, while morning intake may cater to those seeking sustained calm and cognitive support throughout the day. Adopting a split dosing approach can offer balanced benefits for those desiring continuous support against stress and anxiety. 

Personalization, gradual introduction, and constant evaluation of one’s body reactions are crucial in establishing the most effective regimen. Furthermore, considerations regarding individual health conditions, concurrent medications, and the consultation of healthcare providers are indispensable in ensuring the safe and efficacious use of this versatile herb!

Why Buy Ashwagandha Supplements?

Choosing our vegan ashwagandha supplements can be a transformative step towards embracing holistic well-being and fortifying your body’s resilience against stress and anxiety! Ashwagandha balances your body and mind, offering a natural choice for those seeking a harmonious blend of cognitive, emotional, and physical wellness.

Wild & Organic Ashwagandha Gummies 

Wild & Organic Ashwagandha Tincture 

Oct 03, 2023 Julia Mikhailova 0 comments
Oct 03, 2023 Julia Mikhailova 0 comments

Frequently asked questions

The optimal time of day to take ashwagandha depends on your individual health goals and how your body responds to the herb. The general recommendation is taking ashwagandha either before bedtime or in the morning, and even adhering to a split dosing approach.

For those seeking enhanced cognitive function, improved mood, and increased energy throughout the day, morning intake may be ideal. It can set a positive tone for the day by mitigating stress levels right from the start.

If the primary goal is to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality, taking ashwagandha at night or in the evening may be more beneficial. It can help unwind and prepare the body and mind for a restful night’s sleep by aligning with the body's natural circadian rhythm.

For those seeking sustained benefits throughout the day, a split dose, part in the morning and part at night, may be the most balanced and effective approach.

The timeframe to experience the benefits of ashwagandha can vary depending on individual physiology, the specific health goals, the form and dosage of ashwagandha being taken, and lifestyle factors. 

Some people may start to experience initial benefits like reduced stress and improved sleep within a week or two. Slight improvements in mood, alertness, and energy levels might be also noticed in a short-term period. 

With consistent use during 4-8 weeks, more pronounced and sustainable benefits such as enhanced cognitive function, reduced anxiety, and improved mood stability may be observed.

After a couple of months, benefits like increased muscle mass and strength, improved immune function, and enhanced sexual health might become evident. Long-term use may also support sustained stress resilience, improved mental health, and overall well-being.

Yes, organic ashwagandha can be taken daily. It is considered safe for long-term use when consumed in the recommended dosages. In fact, consistent daily intake is typically recommended to achieve the maximum benefits of this adaptogenic herb.
Taking ashwagandha with food is generally a good practice, especially for those who have sensitive stomachs, as it can help minimize the risk of gastrointestinal discomfort. Consuming it with meals can also aid in the absorption of the active compounds found in ashwagandha.
Taking ashwagandha root extract before bed is an effective approach, especially for individuals seeking to improve sleep quality or manage stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha is known for its ability to lower cortisol levels and modulate the body’s stress response, which can promote relaxation and help in managing anxiety, leading to better sleep quality. So the answer to the question “Can you take ashwagandha at night?” is definitely yes if you are looking for more restful and restorative sleep.
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Ashwagandha is a natural herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It is also known as Indian ginseng, winter cherry, or poison gooseberry. Ashwagandha root extract has been known to... Read (5min)
What Is Ashwagandha Extract and How Can This Herb Help You?
Ashwagandha is a natural herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It is also known as Indian ginseng, winter cherry, or poison gooseberry. Ashwagandha root extract has been known to... Read (5min)
How Much Ashwagandha Should I Take Per Day?
Ashwagandha, also known as Withania somnifera, is a powerful herb in Ayurvedic medicine, renowned for its restorative and rejuvenating properties. Originating from India, this ancient herb has been use... Read (5min)
How Much Ashwagandha Should I Take Per Day?
Ashwagandha, also known as Withania somnifera, is a powerful herb in Ayurvedic medicine, renowned for its restorative and rejuvenating properties. Originating from India, this ancient herb has been use... Read (5min)